Frying Pan Tower™ Volunteer Trip


Come be part of the adventure by volunteering your time and talent to help restore this iconic piece of Maritime history.

FPTower Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to restore, protect and preserve Frying Pan Tower. The nonprofit organizes volunteer trips and coordinates skilled volunteers who want to take part.

FPTower Inc. provides food for meals, leisure activities at the end of the day, and sleeping accommodations at Frying Pan Tower™. The nonprofit does not provide onshore transportation or hotel costs.

Charter vessel transportation to and from the tower is included with each booking. 

Note important details in the description below.

Book your trip now to secure your volunteer spot:


Please note: you cannot deduct the value of your time or services to do volunteer work. However, transportation costs to do volunteer work for a registered nonprofit may be a tax-deductible expense. Please check the IRS website or your tax professional to see if you qualify.

Volunteering details:

  • Thursday to Monday bi-weekly trips are the standard with exceptions considered on request
  • An FPTower crew will come out with you for safety and to guide the restoration effort.
  • Volunteers work 4 hours per day and still have plenty of downtime for recreation.
  • Each passenger and their gear will be checked before departure for seaworthiness.
  • Before your trip, we will have an introduction conference call to discuss the trip’s details.
  • All volunteers must adhere to the safety rules and sign a release waiver before departure.

Key things to remember:

  • Be honest about your skills. Welding once in high school does not make you a welder
  • Pack light, we have tools, safety glasses, and gloves. Bring only a small light backpack or duffle bag
  • Volunteers should pack for expected weather with layering and a change of clothes
  • Laundry facilities are available on tower