Oct 29, 2021

Sea Turtle Saturday

https://youtu.be/5l1Vp7ggXc0 Yesterday as we were watching the Explore.org shark camera, we were surprised by a sea turtle taking a look at the camera, even bumping his nose against the glass! This got theRead More

Oct 29, 2021

Big Blow Tuesday!

https://youtu.be/P0zNAJWF9E4 Last night the winds kicked up with gusts to 40mph and still are kickin this morning! Volunteers made some great breakfast which we all agree, was delicious! And so you don’t justRead More

Oct 29, 2021

Golden Grouper Sunday!

https://youtu.be/cJlFHMARzC4 You never know what will come by the deep camera about 45’ under the ocean surface so put it on one of your SmartTV or second monitor, or just take a lookRead More

Oct 29, 2021

Over The Side

https://youtu.be/ErC3RhjQMBE Up for a quick cup of lovely Frying Pan Tower signature blend coffee from Black Powder and to watch the sunrise on the horizon! We’re going to be working again on theRead More

Oct 29, 2021

What We Did Together

https://youtu.be/CYA0daGQ1gk This week more electrical repairs were done with additional baseboard heaters installed including the wiring that was CUT by hacksaw sometime in years past. And more welding under the perimeter walkways whereRead More

Oct 29, 2021

Lots of Sharks Today

https://youtu.be/tq81KUpz-ms As scuba dove beside the tower to install a temperature and current measuring buoy, his shark friends were very curious! They kept coming by to check on him. How nice thatRead More